Message from President

Message from President of Chemical Biology Society (CBS), India

Chemical Biology’ is the understanding of biological phenomena using chemical tools and its implications in therapeutics. This field has emerged as a major area of interdisciplinary research over the past two decades. Incidentally, the term ‘Chemical Biology’ was first coined by Indian visionaries while “Indian Institute of Experimental Medicine (IIEM)” at Kolkata was rechristened as “Indian Institute of Chemical Biology’ (IICB)” in 1982. Since then, and possibly from unrecorded earlier dates, chemical biology research is being pursued in different national institutes and universities across India, as highlighted in an invited review article published in ACS Chem. Biol. on the current scenario of chemical biology research in India.  India has now a critical number of laboratories pursuing globally competitive research programs in the interface of chemistry and biology.   Many of these chemical biology groups were invited to participate in an international conference held at CSIR-IICB, Kolkata during January 27-29, 2013 and it was at that symposium where “Chemical Biology Society (CBS)” in India was informally launched and subsequently registered as a Scientific Society with the Registrar of Societies at Kolkata. The aims of CBS are to function as a scientific body encouraging and assisting research and development as well as all such activities that are likely to benefit chemical biology related research and activities (both basic and applied) in India; to encourage, educate, update and train students, teachers, scientists and other appropriate personnel’s in the field of Chemical Biology research (both basic and applied) and expand knowledge in the area of Chemical Biology research through organization of lectures, seminars, conferences, discussions, update sessions, workshops, training schools, local chapters and any other method or measure that may be considered suitable from time to time for the purpose at local, regional, national and international levels; to institute studies in chemical biology research and help in conducting courses in accordance with the prevailing statutes, rules and regulations of the society. The international community of the Chemical Biology (ICBS) has recognized CBS, India and the contribution of the Indian scientists in this field. It is my pleasure that CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad jointly with CBS, India organizes the Annual Meeting of International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS-2019) during 2-4th November 2019 at CSIR-IICT. I am sure that the ICBS-2019 shall bring together scientists from across disciplines to explore new approaches and methods in molecular level understanding of biological systems and development of drugs. This symposium will immensely help us to explore how effectively chemists and biologists are using the tools and philosophy of chemical biology to understand the molecular basis of diseases. I wish the ICBS-2019 a grand success.

With warm regards,

Prof. Tapas K. Kundu


Chemical Biology Society (CBS), India