Our Regulations



Unless the context otherwise requires words and expressions contained in these Rules and Regulations shall bear the same meaning as in the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 or any statutory modification thereof.


  1. Admission:
  • The signatories to the Memorandum of Association, the office bearers and members of the Executive Council (EC) of the Chemical biology society of india (CBSI) shall be the Founding Members of the CBSI.
  • The EC may admit to membership any person of any caste, creed or sex who has attained the age of 18 years and agreed in writing to be bound by the Memorandum of Association and Rules & Regulations of the CBSI and who in the opinion of the EC will be interested in advancement of the objectives of the CBSI.
  1. Types of Members:
    • Patrons– Any person donating a sum of at least Rupees One lakh can be accepted by the EC as Patron of the CBSI subject to its ratification at the Next General Body (GB) meeting of CBSI.
    • Ordinary Member (OM) – Any person having an M.Sc./ M.B.B.S./ M.Tech/Ph.D or equivalent degree and interested in the basic or applied aspects of chemical biology study and research can be elected to the ordinary membership of CBSI by the EC provided he/she is nominated by one and seconded by another member of CBSI. His or her membership will be effective only after he/she pays the annual subscription. The Annual Subscription for the Ordinary Member of CBSI shall be Rupees One thousand only at present, which may be changed later by the EC subject to its ratification by the GB. The ordinary membership may be converted to life membership on payment of Rupees Four thousand only, which may be changed later by the EC subject to its ratification by the GB, at any time of his/her ordinary membership period.
  • Life Member (LM) – Any person satisfying the requirements for an ordinary member and paying a one-time subscription of Rupees Five thousand only for Indians and US dollar Five hundred or equivalent amount in foreign currency for international members (which may be changed later by the EC subject to its ratification by the GB) can be elected by the EC subject to its ratification by the GB, as a Life Member of CBSI.
  • Honorary Member (HM) – The objective is to associate distinguished scientists or technologists or medical personnel’s either from within or outside India with the activities of the CBSI following the relevant laws of India. The name or names for HM may be proposed and seconded to EC by existing life members (of good standing) of CBSI stating along with the reasons for electing the person or persons as HM. The proposal along with the supporting reasons must reach the office of the Secretary by 30th November of any calendar year. The EC’s recommendation in favour or against the proposal shall have to be ratified by the GB. There is no membership fees for the HM’s. At any time the number of Honorary Members shall not exceed fifty.
  • Associate Member (AM) – Any person having a minimum of a post graduate degree in any branch of science or graduate degree in technology/medicine and interested in the objectives of CBSI can be an Associate Member of CBSI on payment of annual subscription of Rupees One thousand five hundred only (which may be changed later by the EC subject to its ratification by the GB) provided he/she is accepted by the EC for a period of two years only on being proposed and seconded by the Ordinary/Life Members of good standing, subject to its ratification by the GB. An associate member may be admitted as Life member on payment Rupees Three thousand five hundred only (which may be changed by the EC subject to its ratification by the GB) immediately on termination of his/her Associate Membership status.
  • Institutional Member (IM) – For promoting the objectives of the CBSI provision has been made for enrolling any recognized institution having activities in any area relevant to the objectives of CBSI as Institutional Member of CBSI on payment of a one time subscription of Rupees fifty thousand only (which may be changed later by the EC subject to its ratification by the GB). The EC of the CBSI shall have the full right of proposing and admitting any Institutional Member, subject to its ratification by the GB. The IM shall be entitled to nominate two delegates for participating in any programme or activity of the CBSI. In addition, the IM will be entitled to get the publications of the CBSI at par with the LMs of the CBSI.
  • Corporate Member (CM) – Industries, Business Houses, Chambers of Commerce and similar types of organizations may become Corporate Members of the CBSI. The organizations can apply on their own or may be proposed by LM’s in good standing for the Corporate Membership of the CBSI. The EC of CBSI shall decide on the admission of an organization to the Corporate Membership of CBSI subject to its ratification by the GB. Each CM shall be entitled to nominate/delegate two persons for participation in the activities of CBSI and shall be entitled to receive one copy each of its publications at par with the LM’s of the CBSI. The Corporate Membership shall be effective on payment of a one-time subscription, which shall be Rupees Two lakhs only at present and may be changed later by the EC and subject to its ratification by the GB.
  1. Cessation of Membership:

Any member shall cease to be a member of CBSI for any one of the following reasons – (a) by death, (b) on the acceptance of his/her resignation from membership, (c) on his/her becoming insane or insolvent, as established by a valid medical and or legal report, (d) on his/her being legally convicted by a court of law for antisocial, antinational or immoral activities, or any criminal offence (e) on his/her acting in a manner which is in fact and in merit prejudicial or detrimental to the interests of the Society. The EC shall be responsible to recommend the cessation of membership of any individual, which will be effective after its ratification by the GB.

  1. Register of Members:

The Secretary of CBSI shall maintain a Register of members containing their names, addresses, occupations, the dates of admission and cessation (if any) of membership. The Register will be kept open for inspection by the members of CBSI at the head quarters on requisition to and prior appointment with the Secretary.

  1. Rights and Obligations of Members:

Only the OM’s and LM’s of the CBSI shall have the voting rights. OM/LM has the right (a) to elect and to be elected in any election of the CBSI; (b) to submit suggestions and proposals for discussion by the EC or GB or any sub- committee formed by them on any matter relating to the CBSI; (c) to inspect the book of accounts and the proceedings of the meetings of the CBSI on appointment with the Secretary; and (d) to pay his/her subscription (for OM’s) within the prescribed time. Defaulting members (for OM’s) shall not be allowed to take part or vote in a meeting. Members shall have one vote each.

  1. Expulsion and Removal:

If the action or actions of any member is found detrimental to the interest and is in violation of the Rules & Regulations of the CBSI, he/she may be, after due enquiry by the EC, censured, suspended or expelled from the membership on recommendation by the EC and subject to its ratification by the GB. In that case the EC shall first serve the member concerned with a show cause notice mentioning therein the charges framed and asking him/her to submit his/her statement of defense within a month. On receipt of the explanation, the EC shall have the power to recommend a suitable action against the delinquent member after allowing him/her to defend his/her case. If no reply to the show cause notice is received within a month, the EC may recommend an ex-parte decision to the GB.

For any act of expulsion/removal no such member shall be entitled to any claim of compensation or damage even if proved on subsequent date that such act of expulsion or removal was wrongful and /or unlawful.        


  1. Composition:

The day-to-day administration and management of the affairs of the CBSI shall rest with the executive council.  The EC shall consist of not more than 17 members. The office bearers of EC shall comprise of (a) President-1, (b) Vice-President- not more than 4, (c) Secretary-1, (d) Joint Secretary-2, (e) Treasurer-1, and (f) other committee members (not more than 8).

  1. Election / Resignation /Removal:

All members of EC shall be elected at the AGM by the Ordinary (of good standing) and Life members, except for the first EC which has been formed by the Founding Members on registration of the Society. Nominations for the EC shall be sought from the General Body. The elected members of the subsequent ECs in turn will elect the office bearers from amongst themselves through nomination or election.

  1. Term of Office:

The term of office of the EC shall ordinarily be two years from the date of election, unless it is dissolved / terminated/ demit office early under unforeseen circumstances. The EC members  including the office bearers demitting office may seek fresh election, but the maximum period that a member can be in the EC is two terms. After the election, the old EC shall continue to function till the new body takes over the charge which shall under no circumstances be more than 30 days from the date of election.

In the event of casual vacancy occurring on the EC on account of death, or resignation  the remaining members shall have power to fill up such vacancy by co-option and such  co-opted member or members shall hold office till the next election.

  1. Meeting of the EC:

The EC shall meet at least twice a year at such place, date and time, as the President may determine. Any nine members of EC may requisition the meeting and the Secretary shall summon the same within fourteen days and failing which the President or the requisitionists may do so provided no business other than that specified in the notice shall be transacted at such meeting.

  1. Notice and Quorum:

A notice of at least fourteen days specifying the place, time and the general nature of business to be transacted at the meeting shall be given to every member of the EC. Emergency meeting may be called on 48 hours notice. 1/3rd members personally present shall constitute a quorum for the meeting and if a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the starting time, the meeting shall be treated as cancelled.

  1. Procedure of the Meeting:

The President or in his absence the senior most Vice-President (in age) shall preside over any meeting of the EC. In their absence the members shall elect a Chairman from among the EC members present for the meeting. All questions before the meeting will be decided by a majority of votes, each member having one vote. The President/Vice President or the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote in addition to his own vote in case a tie in voting results.

  1. Power and Duties of the EC:

The EC shall have general power to supervise and conduct all the affairs of the CBSI and in particular shall discharge the following duties : (i) To appoint sub-committee with such power and duties as may be considered necessary or expedient, (ii) To accept donation, gift, subscription, movable or immovable property for the objectives of the CBSI, (iii) To sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of and deal with all or any part of the property of the CBSI, all subject to ratification by the GB, (iv) To keep proper accounts of the CBSI and to open bank account in the name of the CBSI in one or more banks at the head quarters or other places (v) To appoint a person or persons on payment to assist the Secretary / Treasurer in the maintenance of  record, account, etc. and (vi) To conduct any other business not specified herein for the attainment of the objectives of the CBSI provided such business is not repugnant to such objectives.


  1. (a). The EC shall be responsible for the safe custody of the funds, properties and assets of the CBSI.

(b). The funds of the CBSI shall be kept in banks/post offices/Mutual Funds and be invested in any securities specified under Sec. 20 of the Indian Trust Act, 1882.


  1. 15. The books of account, register of members and other statutory books shall be kept at the registered office and shall be open to inspection, under the supervision of the secretary, for the members at such date and time as the EC directs on a written request made by any member to the Secretary.


  1. 16. The accounting year of the CBSI shall be from 1st day of April of each year to 31st day of March of the following year.


  1. Annual General Meeting (AGM) :

17.1     Notice : The Secretary shall annually call the AGM as per provisions of W. B. Societies Registration Act, 1961 or any statutory modification thereof giving at least 14 days notice in writing to all members. The notice shall invariably contain the place, date, day, time and the agenda of the meeting.         

The accidental omission in giving this notice to any member or members or the non-receipt of the notice of a meeting by any member or members shall not invalidate the proceedings of any such meeting.

17.2     Agenda : The business to be transacted at the AGM shall be : (a) to confirm the minutes of the last AGM and of special general meetings, if any, (b) to adopt with or without modification the report of the working of the CBSI for the previous year, (c) to pass audited accounts of the CBSI for the previous year ended, (d) to appoint qualified Auditor or Auditors, (e) to transact such business as may be fixed by the EC, (f) to transact such other business as may be brought forward by giving 30 days previous notice from any member, and (g) to conduct general election.

17.3     Quorum of the Meeting : 1/3rd members personally present at the commencement of the meeting shall constitute the quorum. If, however, within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not  present, the meeting if convened upon the requisition of members shall be dissolved and in any other case, it shall stand adjourned to the same day after 30 min. and at the same time and place, and at any adjourned meeting the members present and entitled to vote whatever their number, shall form a quorum and shall decide upon all matters which could have been disposed of at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.

17.4     Manner and Method of Voting: The President of CBSI or  the Vice-president in the absence of the President or the Chairman of the meeting shall decide the manner and method of voting at the outset of the meeting.

  1. Special General Meeting (SGM) :

A SGM may be convened by the Secretary at any time in view of urgency of the matter. At least 14 days notice shall be given to every member for SGM. Members may request the Secretary for SGM by placing a requisition by 2/3rd of total members. In that case the EC shall convene a SGM within a month from the receipt of such notice. In default by the Secretary, the requisitionists shall hold such meeting provided no business other than those specified in the notice shall be transacted.

  1. 19. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) :

The EC may direct to convene an EGM for consideration of addition, alteration or amendment of the Memorandum / Rules & Regulations of the CBSI. 14 days notice along with the proposed draft of change shall be sent to members before the meeting. The resolution for change, amendment etc. of the Memorandum and Rules and Regulations be carried out if accepted by the three fourths of the members present at the meeting.


  1. President :

The president shall (a) preside over all meetings of the CBSI; (b) take all disciplinary actions such as removals, dismissal etc., on recommendation of the EC; (c) advise the Secretary in any matter of the CBSI; (d) call emergent meeting and (e) ensure that due effect is being given to the Rules & Regulations of CBSI.

  1. Vice-President :

The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President whenever required by him/her. In the absence of the President, the senior-most Vice-President (in age) shall perform all the duties of the President.

  1. Secretary :

The Secretary shall function in consultation with the President and (a) convene all meetings of the CBSI; (b) maintain minute books of all meetings; (c) issue general circular and notices; (d) receive all applications for membership which shall be placed before the EC; (e) sign on behalf of the CBSI all receipts for all sums received as subscription etc.; (f) sign and give pay order on all bills for payments; (g) get the accounts of the CBSI audited by a Chartered Accountant and file; present an annual report of the activities of the Society at the AGM (h) ensure compliance with statutory requirements; (i) transact all other business subject to the direction of the EC; (j) file the  necessary documents with the Registrar of Societies, Kolkata as required under W. B. Societies Registration Act.

  1. Joint Secretary :

The Joint Secretary will assist the Secretary in all matters under normal circumstances. In the absence of the Secretary, the senior most Joint Secretary (in age) shall perform all the duties of the Secretary.

  1. Treasurer :

The Treasurer shall (a) collect and receive all sorts of subscriptions, donations and deposit money and grant receipts thereof; (b) maintain and keep cash book and such other accounts as are necessary; (c) operate bank account jointly with either the Secretary/Joint Secretary or the President/Vice-Presidents; (d) prepare the budget in consultation with the Secretary for consideration of the EC and present the accounts at the AGM.

The Executive Committee members shall assist the office bearers in formulating various activities of the Society. They shall keep the office bearers informed on various developments and needs of the Society.


  1. 25. The CBSI shall maintain books of accounts as required under Sec. 15(1)(a),(b) of the act. The accounts shall be audited by a duly qualified auditor as stated in Sec. 15(2) of the Act.


  1. 26. All suits and legal proceedings by or against the CBSI shall be in the name of the Secretary or any other office bearer authorised by the EC.



  1. 27. The Memorandum and Regulations may be altered, modified, rescinded or added to by special resolutions passed by the 3/4th members in an extra ordinary general meeting called for the purpose.


  1. 28. Subject to the provisions of Sections 24 & 27 of the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 or any statutory modifications thereof, the CBSI may be dissolved by a resolution to that effect passed by three-fourths members of the CBSI at a general meeting. The said meeting shall also decide the manner of disbursement of the funds and assets of the CBSI, if any after dissolution.

We the undersigned members of the EC of the CBSI do hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the Regulations of the CBSI.

Signature of three Founder Members of the Executive Council (EC) of CBSI :


(Prof. Siddhartha Roy)


(Dr. Gopinatha Suresh Kumar)


(Dr. Parausraman Jaisankar)

Dated  the  XX day of March 2013